
Are you manufacturer of plant-based or animal end-products? Do you own farm tractors, combine harvesters, mechanical milkers etc und need to rely on flawless function and fast service in case of emergencies?

We can supply you with the following ready-to-deliver components from our storages. Additionally, we offer a 24 hours on-site service and demand-oriented reprocessing during downtime for all products.

  • Hydraulic cylinders for heavy-duty work
  • (High pressure) Hydraulic hoses
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic pipes and tubes
  • Valves with open centre position optimised for tractor applications
  • Proportional LS valves for agriculture industries
  • Gear pumps and motors
  • Pressure accumulators

Your advantages:

  • Reduced noise level
  • Prolonged lifetime
  • Controlled power transmission
  • Silent power
  • Efficient torque generation
  • Ergonomic control elements
  • High-performance engines
  • Secure connections