Offers and special promotions

Here you will find an overview of our special offers

Action: Filter replacement “old for new”

Replace your entire filter (filter housing and filter element) and save up to 80% of the usual new purchase price!


Why should you take part?

You save up to 80% of the usual purchase price of a new filter with housing and element
With a new filter you can significantly reduce the energy consumption of your compressed air station
Decreasing energy consumption in your company leads to decreasing CO2 emissions, which is good for our environment
Convince yourself that excellent performance, extremely low energy consumption and an attractive price do not have to be a contradiction.
Parker filters are tested according to ISO 12500, so you are relying on products with certified quality and functionality

This is how the campaign works

Contact us and we will make you a suitable offer for service and materials
Swap your old filter for a completely new one

Promotion conditions

This campaign runs until December 2014
A maximum of 1,000 filter housings and filter elements from Parker Zander and Parker Domnick Hunter will be issued
Products from all filter manufacturers can participate
The promotion only applies to thread filters up to 3″
Only filters in the basic configuration (with float drain, without differential pressure gauge) are available

Troubleshooting and free advice at your location

Make a non-binding appointment with our sales engineers for troubleshooting or advice1 on the following topics:

Advice on reducing the volume and energy consumption of hydraulic systems and components
Oil spill analysis
Technical design of your consumers
ServiceMobil available around the clock in emergencies and accidents
Planning and supporting revisions
Reduction of maintenance costs through preventative maintenance

Call us now and arrange a non-binding and completely free appointment at your location!

Innovation: Tire filling with nitrogen without special equipment

Filling car tires with nitrogen has significant advantages.

Regardless of the area in which the tires are used, the optimal tire pressure is crucial for optimal effectiveness and safety.

Die Verwendung von Stickstoff in den Reifen sorgt für den korrekten Druck und reduziert alle Probleme, die durch zu geringem Reifendruck entstehen. 

  • Erhöhte Kraftstoffeffizienz
  • Geringerer CO2-Ausstoß
  • Längere Reifenstandzeit durch stabileren Reifendruck und geringere Oxidierung des Reifens
  • Höhere Sicherheit durch zuverlässigeren Reifendruck, geringere Reifentemperatur, besserer Griff und besseres Fahrverhalten
  • Da der produzierte Stickstoff ganz trocken ist, kommt es nicht  zu einer Oxidierung der Felge