Rail Vehicles

Are you manufacturer of rail vehicles for passenger service or goods transport? The components you use have to conform to local safety regulations and need to work reliably under extreme weather conditions? Flawless function and fast emergency service need to be guaranteed?

We supply you with the following components, readily available from our storages. Additionally, we offer a 24 hour on-site service and demand-oriented reprocessing during downtime.

  • Pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders
  • Pneumatic and hydraulic hoses
  • Hydraulic pumps and motors
  • Pressure accumulators
  • Hose connection elements and fittings
  • Fitting and hose presses
  • Vast range of valves
  • Whole gamut of filters
  • Pneumatic motors
  • Measuring instruments
  • Hydraulic aggregates

Your advantages:

  • Diverse product range
  • Long-time experience
  • Certified and standardised components
  • Individual solutions
  • Special hose range for railway vehicles
  • Compact and lightweight designs
  • Long lifetime and idle time