Traffic and safety bollards

MST-Tech traffic bollards help direct the flow of transportation and enhance historical or lesser-known areas of our cities. And all this with particular attention to design. MST-Tech offers, among other things, retractable models that do not affect the landscape and do not require free movement areas: it is enough to retract them to allow free flow of traffic.

The anti-terror bollards, on the other hand, were developed to meet the ever-increasing need for security in civil applications as well as to permanently cordon off sensitive places and buildings. MST-Tech offers products that comply with PAS 68, IWA 14-1, ASTM F2656 standards, i.e. i.e., they are able to bring a truck weighing 7.5 tons that hits it at a speed of 50 or 80 km/h to a standstill, a function that is secured even after the impact.

Automatic traffic bollards for commercial, industrial and urban areas
Automatic high security bollards for use in perimeter protection
Semi-automatic traffic bollards for commercial, industrial and urban areas
Fixed traffic bollards for commercial, industrial and urban areas
Certified fixed security bollards for use in perimeter protection
Certified removable bollards for use in perimeter protection