Tyre Production

As service and system partner for companies in the tyre producing industry we deliver and consult regarding hydraulics, lubrication, pipe bending service, aggregate engineering and compressed air treatment.

In traditional as well as modern production, tyres are pressed into their final form at the production process’ end via hydraulically driven heat press. With high hydraulic pressure, prestigious manufactors like Pirelli, Bridgestone, Goodyear Dunlop et al. produce tyres for millions of motor vehicles.

We support our tyre producing customers in the following areas:

  • Exchange and maintenance of hydraulic cylinders
  • Schedule-according exchange of hydraulic hose lines according to regulations by employer’s liability insurance associations
  • Re-dimensioning, retrofitting and expansion of existing systems
  • Conversionn from hydraulic hoses to hydraulic pipes
  • Replacement of welded pipe bends with cold-bend pipes to reduce downtime due to welding seam cracks because of strong system vibrations
  • Retrofits for complete hydraulic presses
  • Leackage removal and guaranteed freedom of leackages up to 3 years in soft sealed hydraulic systems