Chemical Industry & Rafineries

Are you operating in the area of producing, processing or refining chemicals or manufacturing plants and systems for this industry? Do you need a variety of safety-regulated components from hydraulics, pneumatics, filtration, gas production or guide rails? We offer professional advise, excellent service and high-quality components to reduce downtime significantly via fast replacement.

We supply the following range of components, mostly available in storage. We also offer a 24 hour on-site service and reprocessing during downtime.

  • Hydraulic and pneumatic valves
  • Hydraulic units
  • Pipes and pipe connections
  • Pneumatic and hydraulic hosesPneumatik- und Hydraulikschläuche
  • Hose connections and fittings
  • Measuring equipment
  • Filters
  • Gas production
  • Breathing air treatment

Your advantages:

  • Resistance to aggressive media
  • Standardised components according to recent norms and guidelines
  • Durable
  • Wide range of components
  • Custom special solutions
  • Low noise level